Destruction, Sale and Production of additives for food industry - ADEG S.R.L.

Welcome to the page dedicated to the production and distribution of additives for the food industry of ADEG S.R.L., a leading company in the industry based in Settimo Milanese (MI). With this overview, we would like to provide interested industries with a detailed description of our additives for the food industry, emphasizing our production capacity and attention to quality. For more information on the technical specifications and characteristics of each product, please consult the available data sheets.

Our Additives for Food Industry

ADEG S.R.L. specializes in the production and distribution of a wide range of additives for food industries, mainly:

  • delicatessens;
  • dairies;
  • Industries specializing in baked goods;
  • bakeries.

Here is an overview of the main products we handle, broken down by the different functions of use:

Natural Food Colors

  • Strawberry red (Beet extract)
  • Beta carotene red
  • Paprika oleoresin
  • Turmeric
  • Cochineal carmine
  • Lycopene

Stored Antimicrobial

  • Sodium benzoate
  • Nitrited salt or Nitrosalt
  • Natamycin
  • Nisin

Anti-Mold Preservatives

  • Sodium propionate
  • Calcium propionate
  • Potassium sorbate
  • Calcium sorbate
  • Calcium acetate

PH Correctors and Acidifiers

  • Sodium acetate
  •  Sodium diacetate
  • Sodium lactate
  • Lactic acid
  • Potassium lactate
  • Calcium lactate
  • Citric acid
  • Sodium citrate
  • Sodium hydroxide pearls
  • Potassium hydroxide flakes
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Calcium hydroxide powder
  • Sodium carbonates
  • Potassium carbonates
  • Sodium acid carbonates
  • Glucono delta lactone

Anti-caking agents

  • Silicon dioxide
  • Calcium carbonates
  • Magnesium carbonates
  • Calcium silicates
  • Magnesium silicates


  • Carrageenan, guar gum, konjac gum, tara gum, xanthan gum
  • Modified and pre-gelatinized corn starches
  • Sodium caseinate
  • Carob seed flour
  • Hydrocolloid blends

Phosphate Stabilizers

  • Sodium, monophoshates, biphosphates, triphoshates and poliphosphates blend


  • Smoke aroma
  • Natural aroma
  • Natural identical aroma
  • Paprika flavor
  • Turmeric flavor


  • Phosphates and carbonates powder

Other Additives

  • Maltodextrins
  • Calcium chloride
  • Lysozyme
  • Monosodium glutamate


  • Sugars, salts, antioxidants, natural colorants, pH correctors and additives blends
  • Curing ham and sausages
  • Redness in fine textured ham and sausages
  • Saline solutions for the injection of ham
  • Emulsifying salts
  • Anti-mold, antimicrobial and antioxidant mix
  • Preservatives and acidity regulators for bakery

The production process

At our Settimo Milanese plant, the production of these additives for the food industry is carried out through highly controlled and standardized processes, guaranteeing maximum quality and safety. The characteristics of our production process are:

  • Strict compliance with legal provisions on both products and production methodologies;
  • High quality standards in the choice of raw materials;
  • Strict rules for quality control of finished products;
  • Guarantees on punctuality of deliveries;
  • Machining processes carried out with modern equipment;
  • Adapt products to customer needs in particular in special formulations;
  • The laboratories and literature available, are able to carry out the study and research of new products;
  • Processing on behalf of third parties is ensured by confidential secrecy (confidentiality pact).

Quality certifications of production processes

Adeg s.r.l. is ISO-9001-2015 certified and has the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) manual prepared by an external body in collaboration with in-house technicians. For each additive for the food industry, the safety data sheet is available in addition to the technical data sheet.

Technical support and customization

Our highly qualified technicians are always available to assist customers in choosing the products that best suit their specific needs. We are also able to develop bespoke products not listed in our catalogue, thanks to the flexibility of our facilities and our technical expertise.

For more information about our products and services, or to request personalised advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and provide you with the chemical solutions best suited to your needs.